

SanskritWomb of the Earth
 bodhisattva (“buddha-to-be”) who, though known in India as early as the 4th century CE, became immensely popular in China as Dicang and in Japan as Jizō. He is the saviour of the oppressed, the dying, and the dreamer of evil dreams, for he has vowed not to stop his labours until he has saved the souls of all the dead condemned to hell. In China he is considered the overlord of hell and is invoked when someone is about to die. In Japan, as Jizō, he does not reign over hell (the job of Emma-ō) but is venerated for the mercy he shows the departed and in particular for his kindness to dead children including aborted fetuses. His widespread worship in Central Asia is attested to by his frequent appearances on temple banners from Chinese Turkistan.

      Kshitigarbha is most commonly represented as a monk with a shaved head but with a nimbus and with the urna (tuft of hair) between his eyebrows. He is depicted carrying the clerical staff (khakkara) with which he forces open the gates of hell, together with the flaming pearl (chintamani) with which he lights up the darkness. Because Kshitigarbha has the ability to manifest himself according to the needs of the suffering, he is frequently shown, especially in Japan, in six aspects, each relating to one of the six worlds of desires.

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