Kortner, Fritz

Kortner, Fritz

Austrian actor and director
original name  Fritz Nathan Kohn 
born May 12, 1892, Vienna [Austria]
died July 22, 1970, Munich, West Germany

      famous stage and film actor of the 1920s German avant-garde who, after his return from exile in 1949, revitalized German theatre with his innovative concepts in staging and direction. He was known particularly for his unconventional interpretations of the classics.

      Kortner graduated from Vienna's Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. After working for various German theatres, he joined Max Reinhardt (Reinhardt, Max) in Berlin in 1911 and Leopold Jessner (Jessner, Leopold) in 1916. He started appearing in silent films in 1916, becoming one of Germany's most celebrated character actors by playing a variety of sinister or menacing roles. His explosive energy and impressive delivery suited him perfectly for Jessner's Expressionist drama; among his most famous roles were Gessler in Friedrich Schiller's Wilhelm Tell and the conniving king in Jessner's directorial tour de force, Shakespeare's Richard III.

      Forced to flee Germany after the Nazis came to power in 1933, Kortner eventually made his way to the United States, where he worked as a character actor in films and wrote and directed a few plays. He returned to Germany in 1949, becoming one of its most brilliant stage directors. He directed a series of meticulously detailed, scrupulously acted productions of plays by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim), Schiller, Molière, Tennessee Williams (Williams, Tennessee), and Samuel Beckett (Beckett, Samuel), among others. Among his more notable productions were Richard III (1964), which ended with the king crawling over heaps of corpses, and August Strindberg (Strindberg, August)'s The Father (1967). Kortner's work was widely acclaimed, and he was active in the theatre until his death.

      In addition to his stage work, Kortner appeared in more than 90 motion pictures, including the silent films Danton (1920 and 1931), Die Hintertreppe (1921; Backstairs), directed by Jessner, Die Schatten (1923; Warning Shadows) by Arthur Robison, Orlacs Hände (1925; The Hands of Orlac) by Robert Wiene, and G.W. Pabst's Die Büchse der Pandora (1928; Pandora's Box). He starred in Beethoven (1927; The Life of Beethoven). Among the films he directed are Die brave Sünder (1931; The Upright Sinner) and Die Stadt ist voller Geheimnisse (1955; City of Secrets).

      Kortner's gruff everyman looks were well suited to a wide variety of character parts. Although he is best remembered for portraying flamboyant villains, his great emotional range also allowed for memorable turns as mild-mannered types and historical figures.

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