Konarski, Stanisław

Konarski, Stanisław

Polish priest
born Sept. 30, 1700, Zarczyce, near Kielce, Pol.
died Aug. 3, 1773, Warsaw
 Roman Catholic priest and political writer, who influenced the reform of education in Poland.

      After entering the Order of the Piarist Fathers in 1715, Konarski studied at the Collegium Nazarenum in Rome and taught there in 172729. He then went to Paris to study educational methods and, becoming acquainted with the writings of John Locke, adopted his theory of education. He returned to Poland in 1731. In 1740 Konarski founded in Warsaw the Collegium Nobilium, a school for the young men of ruling families, hoping that his pupils would be inspired to effect badly needed constitutional reforms. Stressing the teaching of the Polish language, hitherto neglected, Konarski emphasized the school theatre and wrote a tragedy in Polish. His emphasis on patriotic education, the purity of the Polish language, and the natural sciences finally resulted in the Jesuits in Poland reforming their own schools accordingly.

      Konarski's patriotic attitude also influenced his historical and political writings. He contributed to a collection of Polish laws, Volumina Legum (vol. 16, 173239; vol. 78, 1782), that is still a basic source. O skutecznym rad sposobie, 4 vol. (176063; “On the Means of Effective Counsels”), was aimed against the principle of the liberum veto, which, by empowering any single deputy to break up a session of the Sejm (Polish national assembly) or nullify its acts, made normal functioning of the state impossible and obstructed reform.

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