Kochowski, Wespazjan

Kochowski, Wespazjan

Polish poet and historian
born 1633, Gaj, Poland
died June 6, 1700, Kraków

      Polish poet and historian whose works helped spark Polish nationalism.

      During his years in military service (165061), Kochowski fought against the Cossacks and the Swedes. He later became court historian for King John III Sobieski and was present at Sobieski's victory over the Turks at Vienna in 1683. Kochowski developed a deep sense of patriotism, which he best expressed in his epic Psalmodia polska (1695; “Polish Psalmody”). The major theme of the 36 psalms of the Psalmodia is Poland's messianic role in the salvation of the world. Although of minor artistic merit, the psalms inspired the Romantic nationalism dominant in 19th-century Polish literature.

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