Kochanowski, Jan

Kochanowski, Jan

Polish poet
born 1530, Sycyna, Poland
died August 22, 1584, Lublin
 humanist poet who dominated the culture of Renaissance Poland.

      Born into the country nobility, Kochanowski studied at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and later, between 1552 and 1559, at the University of Padua (Padua, University of) in Italy. On his return to Poland in 1559, he served as a secretary at the royal court in Kraków. He married about 1575 and retired to his family estate at Czarnolas, in central Poland.

      Kochanowski's first poems, mostly elegies, were written in Latin, but he soon turned to the vernacular. Since Polish was not fully developed at that time as a language of literary expression, he devised his own poetic syntax and patterns of versification, setting high standards for the centuries to come. His crowning achievement is the cycle Treny (1580; Laments), 19 poems inspired by the death of his beloved daughter, Urszula. Kochanowski was also the author of the first Polish Renaissance tragedy, Odprawa posłów greckich (1578; The Dismissal of the Grecian Envoys). With a plot from Homer's Iliad and written in blank verse, it was performed at the royal court in Ujazdów near Warsaw in 1578 and was regarded as a political commentary on the contemporary situation in the country, which was getting ready for a war with Russia's Ivan the Terrible.

      Kochanowski's role in developing Polish literary standards cannot be underestimated. Modeling his poetry on the best classical traditions, he was able to transpose them into his native tongue with a pertinence and elegance that had not hitherto been achieved. Besides his achievements in versification, he employed with great artistry a number of literary forms, such as hymns, lyrical songs, epigrams, satires, translations from the Bible, and others. Kochanowski's place was also unique in Slavic literature generally, and he is considered to have had no equals until the 19th century. A true humanist, he was the best representative of the Renaissance period in that region of Europe.

Jerzy R. Krzyzanowski

Additional Reading
Samuel Fiszman (ed.), The Polish Renaissance in Its European Context (1988), lists a significant number of studies on Kochanowski in English. David J. Welsh, Jan Kochanowski (1974), is a biographical survey that gives details of Kochanowski's life.

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