Koch, Rudolf

Koch, Rudolf

German artist
born Nov. 20, 1876, Nürnberg, Ger.
died April 9, 1934, Offenbach

      German calligrapher (calligraphy), type designer, and teacher, a major influence on decorative arts in early 20th-century Germany.

      Koch's formal education ended when he finished high school in Nürnberg, Ger. He moved to Hanau, where he attended evening art classes while serving as an apprentice in metalworking. After an unsuccessful effort to become an art teacher, he moved to Leipzig, an important printing centre, where he freelanced as a graphic designer. In 1906 he joined the Klingspor type foundry in Offenbach (near Frankfurt am Main) as a type designer and spent the rest of his working life there. Beginning in 1908 he also supervised the lettering course at the revitalized Technical Educational Institution of the City of Offenbach a.M. (now the College of Design). In the early part of his career he was particularly interested in manuscript books, and he produced a number of impressive examples, including several Gospels. He designed his first typeface, Maximilian, shortly before World War I. (He served in the war as an infantryman.) He eventually designed about 30 typefaces for Klingspor, the best known being Neuland (1923) and Kabel (1927).

      After the war Koch and a few of his students formed a workshop community in which many outstanding calligraphers, artists, and typographers, including Fritz Kredel, Berthold Wolpe, Herbert Post, and Warren Chappell, were trained. The workshop produced decorative items in various mediametal, textiles, woodcutsas well as manuscript books; it was consciously organized along medieval lines, with artisans working cooperatively. For example, Koch designed a three-volume book of wildflower illustrations, Das Blumenbuch (192930; “The Flower Book”), which was printed from woodcuts made by Kredel. Although Koch was a contemporary of the English designer Edward Johnston (Johnston, Edward), he was not particularly influenced by the English school of calligraphy, nor did he show an interest in reviving historic hands or techniques.

Robert Williams

Additional Reading
Gerald Cinamon, Rudolf Koch: Letterer, Type Designer, Teacher (2000).

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