Kircher, Athanasius

Kircher, Athanasius

German Jesuit priest and scholar
born May 2, 1601, Geisa, Abbacy of Fulda [Thuringia]
died Nov. 27, 1680, Rome

      Jesuit priest and scholar, sometimes called the last Renaissance man, important for his prodigious activity in disseminating knowledge.

      Kircher learned Greek and Hebrew at the Jesuit school in Fulda, pursued scientific and humanistic studies at Paderborn, Cologne, and Koblenz, and in 1628 was ordained at Mainz. He fled the increasing factional and dynastic fighting in Germany (part of the Thirty Years' War) and, after occupying various academic positions at Avignon, settled in 1634 in Rome. There he remained for most of his life, functioning as a kind of one-man intellectual clearinghouse for cultural and scientific information gleaned not only from European sources but also from the far-flung network of Jesuit missionaries.

      Kircher's research encompassed a variety of disciplines including geography, astronomy, mathematics, language, medicine, and music, bringing to each a rigorous scientific curiosity girded in a mystical conception of natural laws and forces. His methods ranged from the traditionally scholastic to the boldly experimentalhe once had himself lowered into the crater of Vesuvius to observe its features soon after an eruption.

      Kircher is not now considered to have made any significant original contributions, although a number of discoveries and inventions (e.g., the magic lantern) have sometimes been mistakenly attributed to him. Rather, it is his extensive reporting activity that secures his place in intellectual history. He wrote some 44 books, and over 2,000 of his manuscripts and letters survive. In addition, he assembled one of the first natural history collections, long housed in a museum that bore his name, the Museo Kircheriano at Rome; this legacy was later dispersed among a number of institutions.

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