

also spelled  Kipsiki , or  Kipsigi , erroneously called  Lumbwa 

      largest ethnic group of the Southern Nilotic (Kalenjin) language group. They occupy the highlands around the town of Kericho in southwestern Kenya. Like other Nandi speakers, they originated in the highlands north of Lake Rudolf (Lake Turkana) and moved southward at least 1,000 years ago.

      In the early 20th century, British settlers took over large tracts of Kipsikis lands; Kipsikis were encouraged to stay as resident labourers in exchange for obliged, paid labour. Some sought work on white-owned plantations elsewhere in Kenya. In later colonial times Kipsikis turned from communal farming to individual land tenure; cash-crop cultivation of tea, pyrethrum, corn (maize), and some coffee; and the sale of milk and other cattle products.

      Cattle are the main interest of the Kipsikis. Cattle are milked twice daily, and they are bled with a miniature arrow; the blood is then mixed with milk for human consumption. Herds are divided among kinsmen, ostensibly to protect them from disease and raiding, but also to reinforce the social bonds between lenders and borrowers.

      Kipsikis do not live in villages but rather are organized in hamlets of adjacent homesteads, called kakuet, that serve as both political and economic units. Farming activities are coordinated through the kakuet, although each family also has its own plots. Community leadership is provided by a council of elders, with members assuming particular responsibilities. British colonizers obliged the acephalous, traditionally stateless Kipsikis to accept chiefs chosen from among them and introduced a system of courts.

      Men and women participate in several age sets throughout life; sexual prerogatives and various responsibilities are associated with each. Clans and subclans are based on patrilineal descent, although maternal kin are important in many circumstances, such as in obtaining bridewealth for marriage. Military units once existed that cut across other social groupings, and the title arap that was once given to warriors now indicates the attainment of adulthood.

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Universalium. 2010.

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