Kinkel, Gottfried

Kinkel, Gottfried

German poet
born Aug. 11, 1815, Oberkassel, near Bonn [Germany]
died Nov. 13, 1882, Zürich, Switz.

      German poet who owes his reputation chiefly to his sympathy with the Revolutions of 1848 (1848, Revolutions of).

      Kinkel studied in Bonn and lectured on church history in Berlin, although he later abandoned Christianity. He married the liberal writer Johanna Matthieux in 1843, the same year his Gedichte (“Poems”) appeared and was favourably received. In 1845 he became a professor of art and cultural history in Bonn, and in 1848 he turned to journalism, founding the newspaper Demokratischer Verein (“Democratic Union”). Kinkel took an active part in the uprising in Baden in 1849 and was sentenced to imprisonment for life. Through the help of the reformer Carl Schurz (Schurz, Carl), however, he escaped to London, where he became a professor. His journalism in London was marked by a tendency toward compromise that was mocked by the revolutionary philosopher Friedrich Engels (Engels, Friedrich). In 1866 Kinkel became a professor of archaeology and art history in Zürich.

      One of Kinkel's poetic epics, Otto der Schütz (1846; “Otto the Marksman”), which has been considered a forerunner of Joseph Victor von Scheffel (Scheffel, Joseph Victor von)'s Der Trompeter von Säckingen, was published in more than 70 editions and was mainly responsible for Kinkel's influence on his contemporaries. His poetry is characterized by a sentimentality that is often found in German literature after 1848.

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