

      town, western Guinea. It lies on the ConakryKankan Railway and at the intersection of roads from Conakry, Mamou, Télimélé, and Makeni (Sierra Leone). Founded in 1904 as a collecting point on the railroad, it is now the chief trading centre for the rice, cattle, bananas, pineapples, citrus fruits, and palm oil and kernels produced in the surrounding area. Fruits and gmelina wood (for matches and boxes) are exported to Conakry, 70 miles (112 km) southwest. The National School of Agriculture (1961) is in the town, and the government's Institute of Fruit Research (1961) and an experimental garden are nearby. Kindia is the site of the Pasteur Institute (1925; medical research) and has a general hospital, a mosque, a Roman Catholic mission (1908), and vocational, teacher-training, and academic secondary schools. The surrounding region is inhabited by the Muslim Susu (Soussou) and Fulani (Peul) peoples. Significant bauxite deposits have been discovered and are now mined near Friguiagbé, about 8 miles (13 km) southwest of Kindia town. Pop. (2001 est.) 56,000.

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  • Kindia — Kindia …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kindia — Administration Pays  Guinee !Guinée …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kindia — v. de Guinée, au N. E. de Conakry; 80 000 hab.; ch. l. de la prov. du m. nom. Centrale hydroélectrique. Bauxite. à proximité, forêt de Ganga …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Kindia — Kindiạ,   Regionshauptstadt in der Republik Guinea, 400 m über dem Meeresspiegel, 80 000 Einwohner; Pasteur Institut (für Tropenkrankheiten), Versuchsstation für Obstbau; Anbau und Verarbeitung (Konserven) von Bananen und Ananas,… …   Universal-Lexikon

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