Kenya African National Union
- Kenya African National Union
▪ political organization, Kenya
Kenyan political party.
Organized in 1960,
KANU was one of two major political parties formed in preparation for independence—
the other party,
the Kenya African Democratic Union,
was ultimately absorbed by KANU after independence.
Led by Jomo Kenyatta (
Kenyatta, Jomo),
the party officially advocated a strong central government in a socialist society.
When Kenya became independent in 1963,
KANU prevailed in the country'
s first elections,
and Kenyatta became prime minister (
after 1964 president).
KANU absorbed its principal rival groups,
and the government became more and more closely associated with Kenyatta,
with opposition banned or rendered ineffective.
Candidates of KANU ran unopposed in the 1969 elections,
and by the time of the 1974 elections membership in the party was a requirement for holding public office.
When Kenyatta died in 1978,
he was succeeded by Daniel arap Moi (
Moi, Daniel arap),
who continued his predecessor'
s policies of repressing disagreement within the party and of outlawing opposition from without.
From 1982 to 1991 Kenya was officially a one-
party state,
and during this time the government gained a reputation for brutality and corruption.
Under increasing pressure from both domestic and international critics,
Moi agreed in 1991 to allow a multiparty system.
Factions developed within KANU,
there were defections from it,
and other parties began to form.
In the 1992 elections KANU retained a majority in the National Assembly,
although its numbers were drastically reduced.
KANU prevailed in the 1997 elections,
which were contested by more than a dozen parties,
but it did so largely because of the disarray among the opposition.
After four decades as the ruling party,
KANU was swept from power in 2002 when Uhuru Kenyatta,
Jomo Kenyatta'
s son,
was easily defeated for the presidency by Mwai Kibaki of the National Rainbow Coalition (
In parliamentary elections the following year NARC defeated KANU by a nearly two-
one margin.
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Kenya African National Union — (KANU) Présentation Fondateur Jomo Kenyatta Fondation 1960 Siège Nairobi … Wikipédia en Français
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