

German puppet
 most prominent puppet character in Germany and Austria, where Kasperltheater became synonymous with puppet theatre. The character developed in late 17th-century Austria from Hanswurst, the cunning peasant servant of the Viennese popular theatre. Named Kasperle in the early 18th century, he was brought to Germany by traveling puppeteers and became an extraneous but popular character in marionette productions of Faust. Kasperle was established as a hand puppet in the mid-19th century, when he was given his workingman's identity and traditional yellow-trimmed red jacket. Like the English Punch, Kasperle adapts jokes to local audiences and beats his associates with a slapstick, but his performance is much refined in Germany today.

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  • Kasperle — is a famous and traditional puppet character from Austria and Germany. Its roots date to 17th century and was at times so popular that Kasperltheater was synonymous with puppet theater . Kasperltheater includes the following characters: Kasper,… …   Wikipedia

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  • Kasperle — Kasperle, eine speziell österreichische Variation des alten Hanswursts (s. d.), die, nachdem letzterer von den Brettern verbannt war, an dessen Stelle auf die Bühne kam und dort neben Thaddädl, Lipperl, Staberl etc. herrschte, am längsten auf dem …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Kasperle — Kasperle, die lustige Person des Puppenspiels, auch des Lustspiels auf dem Volkstheater; K. hießen auch die 1/4 Brabanterthaler = 401/2 kr. rhein …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Kásperle — Kásperle, Kasperl, Kasper o Kasparek, títere de guante de la tradición centroeuropea de los títeres de cachiporra. Es similar a Punch y Judy o don Cristobita, pero cuenta desde el Romanticismo con diversas fuentes escritas por autores de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Kasperle — Kasperle,dasod.der:⇨Spaßmacher …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • Kasperle — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Kasper. Kasperle Type d élément …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kasperle — Kas|per|le [ kaspɐlə], das und der; s, : lustige männliche Hauptfigur des Puppenspiels (mit Zipfelmütze, einer großen Nase und einem großen, lachenden Mund): das Kasperle verprügelte die Hexe; Kasperle (Kasperletheater) spielen. * * * Kạs|per|le …   Universal-Lexikon

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