

archaeological site, Turkey
      (Turkish:Black Hill”), site of a Late Hittite fortress city, located in the piedmont country of the Taurus Mountains in south-central Turkey. The city, dating from the 8th century BC, was discovered in 1945 by Helmuth T. Bossert (Bossert, Helmuth Theodor) and Halet Çambel. It was built with a polygonal fortress wall and an upper and lower gateway of monumental proportions. The gate chambers are lined with inscribed orthostates (carved stone slabs set against the base of a wall), which show traces of Assyrian and Egypto-Phoenician motifs and influences.

      The importance of Karatepe lies in its inscriptions. At the beginning of the excavations a long Phoenician text was discovered. The gateways were found to contain extensive versions of the same text in both Phoenician script and Hittite hieroglyphs. By comparing the two inscriptions, archaeologists greatly increased their understanding of the Hittite hieroglyphic script and language.

      According to the text, the founder and ruler of the city was Asitawandas, king of the Danunians, a vassal of Awarikus of Adana. Asitawandas claimed descent from thehouse of Mopsus”; Mopsus is known in Greek legend as an emigrant from Ionia and founder of nearby Cilician Mopsuestia (modern Misis). The Assyrians probably destroyed the city in about 700 BC, when the last remaining principalities in the region were subjugated.

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