

Turkish shadow play
      (Turkish:Black Eyes,” orGypsy”), type of Turkish shadow play, named for its stock hero, Karagöz. The comically risqué plays are improvised from scenarios for local audiences in private homes, coffee shops, public squares, and innyards. The Karagöz play apparently was highly developed in Turkey by the 16th century and was adapted in Greece and North Africa. In the 20th century, however, Karagöz plays have lost some popularity to cinema and other forms of entertainment. Their performance in Turkey has been mostly confined to the Muslim holy month of Ramaḍān.

      The character of Karagöz is a good-natured underdog who usually gets his turban knocked off in fights. He exchanges satiric and vulgar repartee with his friend Hacivot, a pompous Turk with an affected accent, and with other stock characters, such as a newly rich peasant, a conniving dervish, and a Jewish merchant.

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