

      island in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen, to which it belongs. The largest member of an archipelago, it is 22 square miles (57 square km) in area. Its name, meaningtwo moonsin Arabic, refers to a double reflection of the moon that can be seen there. Kamarān, consisting of coral reefs with little relief, has a regular west coast and a broken east coast with a harbour. The island's mean annual temperature of 85° F (29° C) is among the world's highest, and the climate is made more uncomfortable by dust storms and high humidity; rainfall is light.

      The Portuguese held Kamarān, for the purpose of controlling Red Sea navigation, from 1513 until they were displaced by the Ottomans in 1620. The British occupied the island in 1915, governing it from Aden. Three villages on the western shore carry on pearl fishing, and the island exports dried fish and charcoal. An insular airfield has connections to mainland Yemen.

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