

Japanese lacquerwork
      (Japanese:Kamakura carving”), in Japanese lacquerwork, technique in which designs are carved in wood and then coated with red or black lacquer. Originally, it was an imitation of a Chinese carved lacquer (tiao-ch'i, called tsuishu in Japanese) in which many layers of lacquer are built up to a considerable thickness (often in several colours) and then cut back to achieve the desired relief design. There also existed in China a technique of carving wood and coating it with vermilion lacquer, but this does not seem to have been the inspiration for Kamakura-bori.

      Chinese lacquerwork was fashionable in Japan during the Kamakura period (11921333), and Kamakura-bori dates from the latter part of that period. One of the earliest extant examples is an incense container with a peony pattern in the Nanzen Temple, Kyōto, believed to date from the 14th or early 15th century. The influence of the tiao-ch'i technique also can be seen in Kamakura-bori chests and cabinets dating from the latter part of the Muromachi period (13381573). Chinese artists in the Chia-ching period (152266) of the Ming dynasty used layers of red and green lacquer cut back to produce red flowers and green leaves. The Kamakura-bori versions consist of a carved-wood design, with the flowers coated in red lacquer and the leaves in green.

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