Julia Domna

Julia Domna

Roman emperor
died 217
 second wife of the Roman emperor Septimius Severus (Severus, Septimius) (reigned 193211) and a powerful figure in the regime of his successor, the emperor Caracalla.

      Julia was a Syrian (Domna being her Syrian name) and was the daughter of the hereditary high priest Bassianus at Emesa (present-day Ḥimṣ) in Syria and elder sister of Julia Maesa. As the emperor's wife, she received the titles of augusta (193) andmother of the army camps” (195). Domna gathered about her in Rome a group of philosophers and other intellectuals whose activities are best known through the writings of Philostratus. After Severus' death, the murderous rancour of her two sons, the joint emperors Caracalla and Geta (Geta, Publius Septimius), culminated in the assassination of Geta by Caracalla in her presence (212), an act she was helpless to prevent. When Caracalla (reigned 211217) was on campaign, he left her in control of most of the civilian administration, with the titlemother of the Senate and of the fatherland.” On the news of his murder in 217 she is said to have starved herself to death, either voluntarily or on the orders of the new emperor, Macrinus.

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