- Judas, Saint
▪ Apostleflourished 1st century AD, ; Western feast day October 28, Eastern feast days June 19 and August 21one of the original Twelve Apostles. He is distinguished in John 14:22 as “not Iscariot” to avoid identification with the betrayer of Jesus, Judas Iscariot. Listed in Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13 as “Judas of James,” some Biblical versions (e.g., Revised Standard and New English) interpret this designation to mean “son of James” (i.e., probably the Apostle St. James, son of Alphaeus), while others (e.g., Authorized and Douay) call him “brother of James.” Judas is more probably identified with Thaddaeus (Lebbaeus) in Mark 3:18 and Matt. 10:3 and less probably with Jesus' “brother” Judas (Mark 6:3, Matt. 13:55), reputed author of the canonical Letter of Jude that warns against the licentious and blasphemous heretics.According to John 14:22–23, Judas, after Jesus completed the Last Supper and announced his manifestation to his disciples, asks, “Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world?” After Jesus' ascension, Judas' history is unknown. Like the Apostle St. Simon, he seems to have come from the Zealots, the Jewish nationalistic party prior to AD 70. Legends first appearing in the 4th century credit Simon and Judas with missionary work and martyrdom in Persia (noted in the apocryphal Passion of Simon and Jude). Thus, since the 8th century, the Western Church has commemorated them together on October 28. The Greek Orthodox Church, however, distinguishes Judas from Thaddaeus, celebrating Judas, brother of the Lord, on June 19, and Thaddaeus the Apostle on August 21. The devotion to Judas (Jude) as patron of desperate causes began in France and Germany in the late 18th century.
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Universalium. 2010.