

Japanese puppet theatre script
      in Japanese literature and music, a type of chanted recitative that came to be used as a script in Bunraku puppet drama. Its name derives from the Jōrurihime monogatari, a 15th-century romantic tale, the leading character of which is Lady Jōruri. At first it was chanted to the accompaniment of the four-string biwa (Japanese lute); with the introduction of the three-stringed, plucked samisen (or shamisen) from the Ryūkyū Islands in the 16th century, both the music and the scripts became more complex. When puppets were added at the end of the 16th century, the jōruri expanded to add a dramatic quality not present in the first simple recitatives. Themes of loyalty, vengeance, filial piety, love, and religious miracles were included; dialogue and descriptive commentary took an increasingly large role. The chanter was at first more important than the writer of the script, until the appearance of one of Japan's greatest playwrights, Chikamatsu Monzaemon, in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. A 30-year collaboration between Chikamatsu and the chanter Takemoto Gidayū (16511714) raised the puppet theatre to a high art. Gidayū himself became so famous that his style, gidayū-bushi (“Gidayū music”), became nearly synonymous with jōruri.

      Jōruri are performed by one or more chanters (tayū). One of the world's most highly developed forms of narrative music, jōruri is still popular as music, even when separated from the stage.

Additional Reading
C.J. Dunn, The Early Japanese Puppet Drama (1966), is a good account of the origins of jōruri.

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