

Mongol prince
also spelled  Juchi  
died February 1227

      Mongol prince, the eldest of Genghis Khan's (Genghis Khan) four sons and, until the final years of his life, a participant in his father's military campaigns.

      Jöchi, like his brothers, received his own ulus (vassal kingdom to command), a yurt (a domain for his ulus), and an inju (personal domains to support his court). His lands were in the western part of the Mongol empire. For reasons that are not entirely clear, an antagonism apparently developed after 1221 between Jöchi and his father. From 1222 until his death, five years later, Jöchi did not participate in Genghis Khan's battles, though he did participate in the attack on the Volga Bulgars in 1223. Genghis Khan may have thought that his son was plotting his death, but Jöchi died before he could take any action. Genghis Khan died six months later, and Jöchi's lands were divided among his sons. His eldest son, Orda, founded the White Horde, his second son, Batu, the Golden Horde.

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