

king of Germany
also called  Jost, or Jodocks  
born 1351
died Jan. 17, 1411, Brno, Moravia [now in Czech Republic]

      margrave of Moravia and Brandenburg and for 15 weeks German king (141011), who, by his political and military machinations in east-central Europe, played a powerful role in the political life of Germany.

      A member of the Luxembourg dynasty, Jobst was a nephew of the Holy Roman emperor Charles IV and cousin to the Bohemian and German king Wenceslas and his half brother, the future emperor Sigismund. Ruling Moravia from 1376, Jobst also became general vicar of Italy (1383 and 1389) without ever setting foot there. In 1388 he added Luxembourg and Brandenburg to his dominions. In his many disputes, Jobst did not hesitate to fight his relatives. In 1394, after he captured Wenceslas, he forced his cousin to name him regent of Bohemia. Jobst and Wenceslas made peace in 1397, when Jobst received the two Lusatias and was made a prince of the empire. When the German king Rupert died in 1410, Jobst was elected (October 1) to succeed him by one faction at the Frankfurt assembly, while his cousin Sigismund received the votes of another group. Jobst died, however, early the next year.

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