Jeu de Paume

Jeu de Paume

FrenchPalm Gamealso known as  Galerie Nationale de l'Image  or  Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume 

      museum in Paris built as a tennis court and later converted into an Impressionist art museum and subsequently into a photography museum.

      The Jeu de Paume was constructed in the 17th century in the Tuileries Gardens in Paris. It was used by the nobility as an arena in which to play an early variant of tennis. In the late 18th century, during the French Revolution, it became a rallying point for revolutionary forces. From 1940 to 1944 the Germans, during their occupation of France, turned the Jeu de Paume into a storage facility for more than 22,000 pieces of art confiscated from other museums in France and from Jewish households. Exhibitions of artwork were staged for high-ranking Nazi officials. When control of the museum returned to France, the facility was reinstated as a museum dedicated to Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art. The Jeu de Paume closed its doors in 1986, with the majority of its collection transferred to another Paris landmark, the Musée d'Orsay (Orsay Museum). It thereafter was used to display temporary exhibits of modern art.

      By 1991 the French government had renovated the Jeu de Paume, renaming it the Galerie Nationale de l'Image and giving it a new purpose: to showcase the history of photography, videos, and art in multimedia formats. The change was intended to provide a prestigious venue for photography and related arts by centralizing the photographic archives then dispersed throughout France's other museums. The French Ministry of Culture and Communication set up an association that effectively combined the administration of the Jeu de Paume with that of two national photography organizations. The museum displays numerous works of photography and video, mounting exhibits by photographers such as Roger Parry, Edward Steichen, Joel Meyerowitz, and Daniel Boudinet.

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