

king of Judah
also spelled  Joakim,  

      in the Old Testament (II Kings 23:3424:17; Jer. 22:1319; II Chron. 36:48), son of King Josiah and king of Judah (c. 609598 BC). When Josiah died at Megiddo, his younger son, Jehoahaz (or Shallum), was chosen king by the Judahites, but the Egyptian conqueror Necho took Jehoahaz to Egypt and made Jehoiakim king. Jehoiakim reigned under the protection of Necho for some time and paid heavy tribute. When the new Chaldean Empire under Nebuchadrezzar II defeated Egypt at the Battle of Carchemish (605), however, Jehoiakim changed his allegiance from the Egyptian king to Nebuchadrezzar. He remained loyal for three years and then revolted against Nebuchadrezzar. After several battles and invasions, Nebuchadrezzar led the decisive invasion against Judah and besieged Jerusalem (598). Jehoiakim died at this time, but the circumstances of his death remain uncertain.

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