Janssen, Pierre

Janssen, Pierre

▪ French astronomer
born Feb. 22, 1824, Paris, Fr.
died Dec. 23, 1907, Meudon
 French astronomer who in 1868 discovered how to observe solar prominences without an eclipse. His work was independent of that of the Englishman Joseph Norman Lockyer, who made the same discovery at about the same time.

      Janssen was permanently lamed by an accident in early childhood. He studied at the University of Paris, and in 1865 he became professor of general science in the school of architecture. He was an enthusiastic observer of eclipses. In 1868 Janssen discovered how to use a spectroscope to observe solar prominences (solar prominence) in daylight; this enabled many more such observations to be made than previously, when such phenomena had been observable only for the few minutes' duration of solar eclipses. In 1870, when Paris was besieged during the Franco-German War, Janssen fled the surrounded city in a balloon so that he could reach the path of totality of a solar eclipse in Africa. (His effort went for nothing, for the eclipse was obscured by clouds.) In 1876 he was appointed the first director of the Meudon Observatory, near Paris. In 1893, using observations from the meteorological observatory he had established on Mont Blanc, he proved that strong oxygen lines appearing in the solar spectrum were caused by oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere. He was the first to regularly use photographs to study the Sun; in 1904 Janssen published his great Atlas des photographies solaires, containing more than 6,000 solar pictures. A crater on the Moon is named for him.

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