Iwakura Tomomi

Iwakura Tomomi

Japanese statesman

born Oct. 26, 1825, Kyōto, Japan
died July 20, 1883, Tokyo
 one of Japan's most influential statesmen of the 19th century.

      He was born to the family of a court noble of relatively low rank. Adopted as son and heir of the more powerful Iwakura family, he gained an important place in court circles after the U.S. naval officer Commodore Matthew C. Perry in 1853 succeeded in forcing Japan to allow foreigners to enter the country.

      In 1858 Iwakura was influential in the emperor's refusal to ratify the U.S.-Japanese treaty of commerce, thereby establishing a precedent for increased imperial participation in affairs that had long been conducted exclusively by the shogun (feudal military dictator). When the emperor's refusal angered the shogun, Iwakura retreated and advocated a reconciliation between the two factions, symbolized by the marriage of the emperor's sister to the young shogun. Iwakura, reviled by imperial loyalists for his retrenchment, was deprived of his court office, and from 1863 to 1867 he lived in obscurity near Kyōto.

      As the shogunate lost influence, Iwakura was able to gain favour with the militarily powerful loyalists of the feudal domains of Satsuma and Chōshū. After his return to favour at court he was a member of the small group of conspirators that brought about the Meiji Restoration (1868), thus ending the power of the last shogun. In the new administration, which used the Meiji emperor's prestige as a force for modernizing Japan, Iwakura was one of the most powerful leaders. In 1871 he was appointed to head a group of about 50 leading government figures on a mission to Western countries. Ostensibly devoted to the task of treaty revision, the embassy became a greatlearning mission,” with its members divided into teams to study Western systems of education, administration, finance, and law. Upon his return Iwakura helped thwart plans made in his absence for war with Korea, as he was convinced that internal reforms were vitally needed. In the late 1870s he was the unchallenged de facto head of the government. A foe of the movement for democratic rights, he ended his career by supervising the early stages of the preparation of a constitution safeguarding the imperial prerogative.

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