input–output analysis

inputoutput analysis

      economic analysis developed by the 20th-century Russian-born U.S. economist Wassily W. Leontief, in which the interdependence of an economy's various productive sectors is observed by viewing the product of each industry both as a commodity demanded for final consumption and as a factor in the production of itself and other goods. Certain simplifying assumptions are made, such as that productive resources will always be combined in the same proportions to produce any amount of a final product. Then it is possible to determine the total quantities of various goods that must be produced to obtain a given amount for final consumption.

      The analysis usually involves constructing a table in which each horizontal row describes how one industry's total product is divided among various production processes and final consumption. Each vertical column denotes the combination of productive resources used within one industry. If, for example, the first row of a table for a very simple economy describes the distribution of the total production of trucks, it would show that a certain quantity of trucks is used in the production of more trucks, a certain quantity in the production of agricultural commodities, a certain quantity in the production of houses, a certain quantity by private households, and so on. If the numbers are added across the row, the total quantity of trucks produced is obtained. A table of this type illustrates the dependence of each industry on the products of other industries: for example, an increase in food output is also seen to require an increase in the production of trucks.

      Inputoutput tables can be constructed for whole economies or for segments within economies. They are useful in planning the production levels in various industries necessary to meet given consumption goals and in analyzing the effects throughout the economy of changes in certain components. They have been most widely used in planned economies and in developing countries.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • input-output analysis — Economic analysis developed by Wassily Leontief, in which the interdependence of an economy s various productive sectors is observed by viewing the product of each industry both as a commodity for consumption and as a factor in the production of… …   Universalium

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