Innocent I, Saint

Innocent I, Saint

born , Albano, Campania
died March 12, 417, Rome; feast day July 28

      pope from 401 to 417, who condemned Pelagianism, a heresy concerning the role of grace and free will.

      Probably a Roman deacon, Innocent was possibly the son of St. Anastasius I, whom he succeeded in the papacy on Dec. 22, 401. In 404 Innocent ordered a synod to reinstate Patriarch St. John Chrysostom of Constantinople, who had been illegally deposed (403) by Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria. The synod never convened because Innocent's envoys were imprisoned at Constantinople, but John was posthumously restored (407).

      Innocent's papacy was endangered by the Visigothic chief Alaric, who besieged Rome (408410) because the West Roman emperor Flavius Honorius refused to appease him. Honorius withdrew to Ravenna, where Innocent went to negotiate peace (410). Innocent returned to Rome in 412. His acknowledgment of Alexander as bishop of Antioch (414) restored communications between the sees and ended the Meletian schism, a complex 4th-century controversy about the nature of the Trinity. In January 417 Innocent condemned Pelagianism and excommunicated its proponent, Pelagius. In settling church disputes, Innocent invariably invoked Roman primacy.

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Universalium. 2010.

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