

      (Arabic:agreeing upon,” orconsensus”), the universal and infallible agreement of the Muslim community, especially of Muslim scholars on any Islāmic principle, at any time. The consensusbased on the Ḥadīth (sayings of Muḥammad), “My people will never agree in an error”—constitutes the third of the four sources of Islāmic jurisprudence, the ūl al-fiqh (uṣūl al-fiqh) (q.v.). In effect, ijmāʿ has been the most important factor in defining the meaning of the other uṣūl and thus in formulating the doctrine and practice of the Muslim community.

      In Muslim history ijmāʿ has always had reference to consensuses reached in the past, near or remote, and never to contemporaneous agreement. It is thus a part of traditional authority and has from an early date represented the Muslim community's acknowledgment of the authority of the beliefs and practices of Muḥammad's city of Medina.

      Ijmāʿ also has come to operate as a principle of toleration of different traditions within Islām. It thus allows, for example, the four legal schools (madhabs) equal authority and has probably validated many non-Muslim practices taken into Islām by converts.

      In modern Muslim usage, ijmāʿ has lost its association with traditional authority and appears as a democratic institution and an instrument of reform.

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Universalium. 2010.

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