Huygens, Constantijn

Huygens, Constantijn

Dutch diplomat and poet
born Sept. 4, 1596, The Hague
died March 28, 1687, The Hague
 the most versatile and the last of the true Dutch Renaissance virtuosos, who made notable contributions in the fields of diplomacy, scholarship, music, poetry, and science.

      His diplomatic service took him several times to England, where he met and was greatly influenced by John Donne and Francis Bacon. He translated 19 of Donne's poems and was introduced by Bacon to the New Science, which he in turn introduced into Holland as a subject for poetry.

      Among Huygens' writings, at one extreme stands Costelyck mal (1622; “Exquisitely Foolish”), a satire of the ostentatious finery of the townswomen; and, at the other extreme, Scheepspraet (1625; “Ship's Talk”), in the language of the lower deck, and Trijntje Cornelis (1653), an earthy farce.

      Huygens saw poetry only asa small pastime,” as the titles of his poetry collections indicate: Otia of ledighe uren (1625; “Idleness or Empty Hours”) and Korenbloemen (1658 and 1672; “Cornflowers”). Dagwerck (1639; “Daily Work”), one of his three autobiographical works, provides insight into the contemporary intellectual climate.

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