Hu Feng

Hu Feng

Chinese literary theorist
original name  Zhang Mingzhen , also called  Zhang Guangren 
born November 1, 1902, Qichun county, Hubei province, China
died June 8, 1985, Beijing

      Chinese literary theorist and critic who followed Marxist theory in political and social matters but not in literature.

      Zhang Mingzhen studied literature at Beijing University and Qinghua University and went to Japan in 1929 to study English literature at Keiō University. There he joined the Japan Anti-War League, a left-wing writers' organization, and the Japanese Communist Party. In 1933, having been expelled by the Japanese authorities, he returned to Shanghai, where he joined the League of Left-Wing Writers and became Lu Xun's assistant. During this period he published several collections of essays, including Wenyi bitan (1936; “Essays on Literature and Art”). In 1936 he called for apopular literature for the national revolutionary war,” a stance that sparked a heated debate within the League of Left-Wing Writers. After Lu Xun's death in 1936, Hu Feng compiled and published many of his mentor's unpublished works. When the Sino-Japanese War broke out in 1937, he published the literary journal Qiyue (“July”), with which he fostered a number of writers. Gradually, a school of literature formed around the journal, which was banned after a few years. It was succeeded by Xiwang (“Hope”), also edited by Hu Feng.

      From 1937 through 1948 Hu Feng published several theoretical workssuch as Lun minzu xingshi wenti (1941; “On National Forms”), Minzu zhanzheng yu wenyi xingge (1943; “The National War and the Disposition of Literature and Art”), and Lun xianshizhuyi de lu (1948; “On the Road of Realism”)—in which he called on writers to adopt a subjective viewpoint. These propositions were severely criticized by members of the left-wing literary circles, who believed that literature should serve a political purpose by depicting class struggles. During the drive against intellectuals in the early 1950s, Hu Feng was subjected to a campaign of criticism for the emphasis he placed on the subjective nature of creative writing. Ultimately, his views were condemned as counterrevolutionary, and from 1955 to 1979 he was imprisoned for his views; while in prison he sustained physical and mental damage. A three-volume collection, Hu Feng pinglunji (“Hu Feng's Essays of Literary Criticism”), was published in 198485. He was fully rehabilitated posthumously in 1988. His poetry is collected in Wei zuguo er ge (1942; “Singing for the Fatherland”).

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