Hoppe-Seyler, Ernst Felix
- Hoppe-Seyler, Ernst Felix
▪ German physician
born December 26, 1825, Freyburg an der Unstrut, Halle
died August 10, 1895, Wasserburg am Bodensee
German physician,
known for his work toward establishing physiological chemistry (
as an academic discipline.
He was the first to obtain lecithin in a pure form and introduced the word proteid (
now protein).
Additional contributions included metabolic studies and researches on chlorophyll and on blood,
especially hemoglobin,
which he obtained in crystalline form.
Hoppe-Seyler founded (1877) and edited the first biochemical journal, Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie, and, apart from numerous scientific papers, published Physiologische Chemie, 4 vol. (1877–81), and Handbuch der Physiologisch- und Pathologisch-Chemischen Analyse (1858).
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Hoppe-Seyler — Ernst Felix Imanuel Hoppe Seyler (1825 1895) Gedenktafel (oben im Bild), am Tübinger Laboratorium 1925 angebracht. Ernst Felix Immanuel Hoppe Seyler … Deutsch Wikipedia
Felix Hoppe-Seyler — Ernst Felix Imanuel Hoppe Seyler (1825 1895) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Felix hoppe-seyler — Felix Hoppe Seyler. Ernst Felix Immanuel Hoppe Seyler (26 décembre 1825 à Freyburg an der Unstrut 10 août 1895 à Wasserburg (Bodensee)) était un chimiste et physiologiste allemand. Il a notamment étudié le sang, l hémogl … Wikipédia en Français
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Hoppe-Seyler — Họppe Seyler, Ernst Felix Immanuel, Biochemiker, * Freyburg (Unstrut) 26. 12. 1825, ✝ Wasserburg (Bodensee) 11. 8. 1895; zunächst Arzt in Wien, 1860/1861 Professor in Berlin, anschließend in Tübingen und ab 1872 in Straßburg. Begründer der… … Universal-Lexikon
Felix Hoppe-Seyler — Ernst Felix Immanuel Hoppe Seyler (December 26, 1825 ndash; August 10, 1895) was a German physiologist and chemist.Hoppe Seyler was born in Freyburg an der Unstrut in the Province of Saxony. He originally trained to be a physician in Halle and… … Wikipedia
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