Hölty, Ludwig Heinrich Christoph

Hölty, Ludwig Heinrich Christoph

German poet
born Dec. 21, 1748, Mariensee, Hanover
died Sept. 1, 1776, Mariensee

      German poet who is considered the most gifted lyric poet of the Göttinger Hain, a group of young poets who saw themselves as heirs of the great lyric poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb) and whose work was characterized by love of nature and the expression of national feeling.

      In 1769 Hölty went to Göttingen to study theology. There he became close friends with the poets Johann Martin Miller, Johann Heinrich Voss, Heinrich Boie, and Christian and Friedrich Leopold Stolberg. Together they organized the Göttinger Hain, or Dichterbund. Hölty managed to support himself by working as a tutor and translator and by writingoccasional poetry.” His poems in the society's mouthpiece, Musenalmanach (“Muses' Almanac”), encompassed a wide variety of forms. Influenced by Thomas Gray'sElegy Written in a Country Churchyard,” he introduced an element of social criticism into that form by his comparison of city and village life in Elegie auf einen Dorfkirchhof and Elegie auf einen Stadtkirchhof (both 1771; “Elegy on a Village ChurchyardandElegy on a City Churchyard”). He loved the Volkslied (“folk song”); his sense of closeness to the peasants, delight in nature, and longing for the simple and natural life find skillful expression in his poetry. His lyrics are characterized by strains of melancholy and by sincere religious faith. He was able to make original use of all the styles that influenced him, showing the seriousness of Klopstock without his complicated solemnity, the tenderness and sentimentality of the age without its affectation, and the lightness of the Anacreontics' praises of love and friendship without their superficiality.

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