Hofmeister, Wilhelm

Hofmeister, Wilhelm

German botanist
born May 18, 1824, Leipzig
died January 12, 1877, Lindenau, near Leipzig

      German botanist whose investigations of plant structure made him a pioneer in the science of comparative plant morphology.

      Hofmeister entered his father's publishing business at the age of 17. Although he was completely self-taught, in 1863 he was appointed professor of botany and director of the botanical garden at Heidelberg; he became professor at Tübingen in 1872.

      Hofmeister's first botanical paper was published in 1847. “Die Entstehung des Embryo der Phanerogamen” (“The Genesis of the Embryo in Phanerogams”) was published two years later and won for him an honorary degree from the University of Rostock. In that paper he described in detail the behaviour of the nucleus in cell formation and proved the invalidity of the theory that plant embryos develop from the tip of the pollen tube.

      Hofmeister's most brilliant achievements are to be found in his book on comparative morphology, Vergleichende Untersuchungen . . . (1851; On the Germination, Development, and Fructification of the Higher Cryptogamia and on the Fructification of the Coniferae, 1862), in which he points out the relationships among various cryptogams and establishes the position of the gymnosperms (e.g., conifers) between the cryptogams (e.g., ferns, mosses, algae) and the angiosperms (flowering plants). Hofmeister was also the discoverer of the regular alternation of a sexual and an asexual generation in mosses, ferns, and seed plants.

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