Hikmet, Nazım

Hikmet, Nazım

Turkish author
also called  Nazim Hikmet Ran  
born 1902, Salonika, Ottoman Empire [now Thessaloníki, Greece]
died June 2, 1963, Moscow

      poet who was one of the most important and influential figures in 20th-century Turkish literature.

      The son of an Ottoman government official, Nazım Hikmet grew up in Anatolia; after briefly attending the Turkish naval academy, he studied economics and political science at the University of Moscow. Returning home as a Marxist in 1924 after the advent of the new Turkish Republic, he began to work for a number of journals and started Communist propaganda activities. In 1951 he left Turkey forever after serving a lengthy jail sentence for his radical and subversive activities. From then on he lived in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, where he continued to work for the ideals of world Communism.

      His mastery of language and introduction of free verse and a wide range of poetic themes strongly influenced Turkish literature in the late 1930s. After early recognition with his patriotic poems in syllabic metre, in Moscow he came under the influence of the Russian Futurists, and by abandoning traditional poetic forms, indulging in exaggerated imagery, and using unexpected associations, he attempted todepoetizepoetry. Later his style became quieter, and he published Şeyh Bedreddin destanı (1936; “The Epic of Shaykh Bedreddin”), about a 15th-century revolutionary religious leader in Anatolia; and Memleketimden insan manzaraları (“Portraits of People from My Land”), a 20,000-line epic. Although previously censored, after his death in 1963 all his works were published and widely read, and he became a poet of the people and a revolutionary hero of the Turkish left. Many of his works have been translated into English, including Selected Poems (1967), The Moscow Symphony (1970), The Day Before Tomorrow (1972), and Things I Didn't Know I Loved (1975). Nazım Hikmet is also known for his plays, which are written in vigorous prose and are also mainly Marxist inspired.

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