Herriman, George

Herriman, George

American cartoonist
born 1881, New Orleans, La., U.S.
died May 1944, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Calif.

      American cartoonist who createdKrazy Kat,” a comic strip whose originality in terms of fantasy, drawing, and dialogue was of such high order that many consider it the finest strip ever produced.

      Herriman turned to cartooning after a fall from a scaffold made it difficult for him to work as a house painter. His first comic strip, “Lariat Pete,” appeared in 1903 in the San Francisco Chronicle. In the next few years he created a number of short-lived strips, from whichKrazy Katevolved in 1910. For more than 30 years the strip appeared in the papers in the chain belonging to William Randolph Hearst.

      “Krazy Katwas unique in a number of ways. The cast of characters was small and the basic plot always the same: Krazy Kat loved Ignatz Mouse, but the malicious Ignatz would have none of it and took every opportunity to throw a brick at Krazy. The policeman Offissa Pupp tried to protect Krazy, often by putting Ignatz in jail. The landscape backgrounds in the comic strip were stark and surrealistic, based on the Arizona desert. From these simple elements Herriman constructed an astonishing number of variations.

      During the 1920s the strip attained wide popularity, particularly among intellectuals. It was highly praised by the influential critic Gilbert Seldes in The Seven Lively Arts (1924). About 1922 Herriman moved from New York City to Hollywood, where he was living at the time of his death. In recognition of his original touch, the strip was allowed to die with its creator.

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  • Herriman, George (Joseph) — born 1881, New Orleans, La., U.S. died May 1944, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Calif. U.S. cartoonist. He grew up in California and passed as white, along with his Creole parents. He started cartooning after a fall from a scaffold prevented him from… …   Universalium

  • Herriman, George (Joseph) — (1881, New Orleans, La., EE.UU.–may. 1944, Hollywood, Los Ángeles, Cal.). Caricaturista estadounidense. Creció en California, y aunque sus padres eran criollos, él pasaba por blanco. Comenzó a dibujar caricaturas, después de que una caída desde… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Herriman — George Herriman, signiertes Foto von 1902 George Joseph Herriman (* 22. August 1880 in New Orleans; † 25. April 1944 in Los Angeles) war ein US amerikanischer Comiczeichner und Karikaturist. Sein bekanntestes Werk ist der Comic Krazy Kat …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • George Herriman — George Herriman, signiertes Foto von 1902 George Joseph Herriman (* 22. August 1880 in New Orleans; † 25. April 1944 in Los Angeles) war ein US amerikanischer Comiczeichner und Karikaturist. Sein bekanntestes Werk ist der Comic Krazy Kat …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • George Herriman — con su mujer e hijos Nombre completo George Joseph Herriman Nacimiento 22 de …   Wikipedia Español

  • George Herriman — Herriman entouré d admirateurs et admiratrices. George Joseph Herriman (né le 22 août 1880 à La Nouvelle Orléans mort le 25 avril 1944) fut un auteur de bande dessinée américain, créateur de Krazy Kat …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Herriman — may refer to:* Damon Herriman, Australian actor * George Herriman, American cartoonist * Herriman, Utah * Mr. Herriman, cartoon characteree also* Harriman …   Wikipedia

  • George Herriman — George Joseph Herriman (Nueva Orleans, 22 de agosto de 1880 Los Ángeles, 25 de abril de 1944) fue un autor de cómics estadounidense, creador de la tira cómica Krazy Kat …   Enciclopedia Universal

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