

Spanish organization
      (Spanish:brotherhood”), in medieval Castile, any of a number of unions of municipalities organized for specific endsnormally for police purposes or for defense against the aggressions of magnates. They emerged in the 12th century as temporary associations but later became permanent. One of the most famous hermandades was that of Toledo, Talavera, and Villa Real. The mounted constables of the hermandades were known as cuadrilleros. Banditry and rural crime were their chief concern; they both apprehended and summarily tried suspects. Originally they were disliked by the crown, but Henry II accepted and regulated their organization and functions by royal decree (1370). During the reign of Henry IV the hermandades fell into decay, and the Catholic Monarchs suppressed them in 1476, substituting a highly organized constabulary for the whole kingdom, known as the Santa Hermandad, whose judicial powers were considerable and whose cost was borne only by nonnoble taxpayers. Discontent compelled the Catholic Monarchs to reduce the status and expense of the Santa Hermandad in 1498, but it survived as an inefficient rural police organization until the 18th century.

      The famous Hermandad de las Marismasa federation of northern Castilian and Basque portswas concerned with protecting the trade and shipping of its members. It enjoyed wide powers from the end of the 13th century, negotiating directly with the kings of England and France as a diplomatic entity, but it was brought under royal control in 1490.

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  • Hermandad — Hermandad, literally brotherhood in Spanish, was a peacekeeping association of armed individuals, a characteristic of municipal life in medieval Spain, especially in Castile. As medieval Spanish kings were often unable to offer adequate… …   Wikipedia

  • hermandad — [ ɛrmɑ̃dad ] n. f. • 1808; mot esp. « confrérie » ♦ Hist. Fédération de villes espagnoles, au Moyen Âge. Soldats de la Sainte Hermandad. hermandad [ɛʀmɑ̃dad] n. f. ÉTYM. 1808; la Sainte Hermandad, 1715; mot esp., « confrérie ». ❖ ♦ Hist.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • hermandad — (De hermano). 1. f. Relación de parentesco que hay entre hermanos. 2. Amistad íntima, unión de voluntades. 3. Correspondencia que guardan varias cosas entre sí. 4. Cofradía o congregación de devotos. 5. Privilegio que a una o varias personas… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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