

Austrian organization
      (German: Home Defense Force), any of the local organizations formed in various parts of Austria to expel invading Yugoslavs or preserve order immediately after World War I. Composed of conservative-minded country dwellers, the Heimwehr came to represent much of the Austrian right wing between World Wars I and II. Imbued with corporativism (an authoritarian view of the state as composed of interest groups rather than individuals), the Heimwehr also drew on strong monarchistic, patriotic, and religious feelings. Some members looked to Italy and Benito Mussolini for guidance, but historians disagree over whether the Heimwehr was outrightly Fascist.

      Local Heimwehr sections were often quite distinct, some in eastern Austria being under Christian Social Party leadership, others in the west having Nazi sympathizers as directors. Though amarch on Viennaby the Styrian Heimwehr in 1931 failed, Heimwehr forces assumed much power in the provinces after Parliament was suspended in 1933, and they played an important part in suppressing Socialists in February 1934. After the Anschluss (Union) with Germany of 1938, the Heimwehr was overshadowed by the Nazis; and some Heimwehr members found their reactionary views so much at odds with moreradicalright-wing tendencies that they turned against the Germans and actively helped opposition to the Reich.

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