Hegius, Alexander

Hegius, Alexander

German educator
born c. 1433, Heek, Westphalia [Germany]
died Dec. 7, 1498, Deventer, Neth.

      German schoolmaster who is remembered both for his effective promotion of the new humanism and for the subsequent fame of his pupils.

      His long teaching career included the directorship of schools in Wessel, Emmerich, and Deventer, where Erasmus and the future pope Adrian VI were among his pupils. While at Deventer (148398), the first school north of the Alps to provide instruction in Greek, Hegius practiced the humanistic ideas of his youthful friend and teacher Rodolphus Agricola, who brought from Italy the new learning, stressing the liberal arts and the art of conduct. Hegius reformed instructional methods to make Latin and Greek grammar subordinate to the appreciation of classical literature. He succeeded in abolishing the old-fashioned medieval textbooks and teaching methods and led his pupils to the direct study of the classical authors themselves.

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  • Alexander hegius von heek — Alexander Hegius von Heek, né en 1433 et mort le 7 décembre 1498, est un humaniste allemand, appelé ainsi à cause de son lieu de naissance, Heek en Westphalie. Dans sa jeunesse il est élève de Thomas a Kempis, à ce moment là chanoine du couvent… …   Wikipédia en Français

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