Ḥassān ibn Thābit

Ḥassān ibn Thābit

Arabian poet
born c. 563, Medina, Arabia
died c. 674?

      Arabian poet, best known for his poems in defense of the Prophet Muhammad.

      Ḥassān had won acclaim at the courts of the Christian Arab Ghassānid kings in Syria and the Lakhmid kings of al-Ḥīrah in Iraq, where he met the poets al-Nābighah, al-Dhubyānī, and ʿAlqamah. He settled in Medina, where, after the advent of Muhammad, he accepted Islam at about the age of 60. Ḥassān, who is said to have lived to be more than 110 years old, became Islam's earliest poetic defender. His poetry thrived under the traditional requirement that literary attacks be countered with satires on the offending poets. His writings in defense of Muhammad contain references to contemporary events that have been useful in documenting the period. He was also Islam's first religious poet, using many phrases from the Qurʾān in his verse. Much of the work ascribed to him in his divan (collection of poetry) appears to have been falsely attributed to him from a very early date.

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