Ibn Qudamah — Infobox Philosopher region = Palestine/Syrian scholar color = #B0C4DE image caption = name = Ibn Qudamah al Maqdasi birth = 541 AH in Palestine [ [http://www.sunnahonline.com/ilm/seerah/0038.htm Ibn Qudaama (www.islaam.org.uk) ] ] death = 620 AH… … Wikipedia
List of Hanbali scholars — Many celebrated personalities in Islamic history received their tutelage in the Hanbali school, in Baghdad, Greater Syria ( Sham ), Egypt and finally the Arabian Peninsula. The following is a very humble list comprising of some of the notable… … Wikipedia
Hanbali — Part of a series on S … Wikipedia
Hanābilites — (sg., Hanbālī) are adherents to the theology of Ahmad ibn Hanbal (164 241 AH/780 855 AD). One of the fours islamic law schools. ibn Hanbal and Abu Abd Allah ash Shafi i were both leaders of the traditionalist movement, which fought against the… … Wikipedia
Ibn Rajab — Infobox Philosopher region = Iraqi Syrian scholar era = Medieval era color = #B0C4DE image caption = name = Ibn Rajab al Hanbali birth = 736 AH in Baghdad [ [http://www.studentofknowledge.com/ibnrajab.htm Shaikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah… … Wikipedia
Tafsir al-Muraghi — is a 10 volumes tafsir collection by Sunni Islamic scholar M. Mustafa al Muraghi [ [http://fadakbooks.com/taal8.html Tabaqat al Hanabilah ] ] .ee also*List of Sunni booksReferences … Wikipedia
Al-Kaafi — fi fiqh al Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal is a book of Hanbali Fiqh written by Imaam Ibn Qudamah. DescriptionAl Kaafi is one of the marvels of Islamic literature. It is from the series of literally accomplishments offered by the author, al Imaam Ibn… … Wikipedia
Bid`ah — Le terme bid ah (arabe: بدعة [bid ah], innovation, idée nouvelle, hérésie) désigne une chose inventée sur la base d aucun modèle précédent[1]. Dans le contexte de l islam sunnite : l innovation désigne donc une voie inventée dans la religion … Wikipédia en Français
Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Bujari — Nacimiento Viernes 14 de Shawal (20 de julio) de 810. Bujara Uzbekistán … Wikipedia Español
Saudi Arabia — a kingdom in N and central Arabia, including Hejaz, Nejd, and dependencies. 20,087,965; ab. 600,000 sq. mi. (1,554,000 sq. km). Cap.: Riyadh. Cf. Mecca. * * * Saudi Arabia Introduction Saudi Arabia Background: In 1902 Abd al Aziz Ibn SAUD… … Universalium