Hall, Joseph

Hall, Joseph

English bishop, philosopher, and satirist
born , July 1, 1574, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, Eng.
died Sept. 8, 1656, Higham, Norfolk
 English bishop, moral philosopher, and satirist, remarkable for his literary versatility and innovations.

      Hall's Virgidemiarum: Six Books (15971602; “A Harvest of Blows”) was the first English satire successfully modeled on Latin satire, and its couplets anticipated the satiric heroic couplets of John Dryden in the late 17th century. Hall was also the first writer in English to emulate Theophrastus, an ancient Greek philosopher who wrote a book of characters, with Characters of Vertues and Vices (1608). As a moral philosopher he achieved a European reputation for his Christianization of Stoicism.

      Educated under Puritan influences at the Ashby School and the University of Cambridge (from 1589), he was elected to the university lectureship in rhetoric. He became rector of Hawstead, Suffolk, in 1601 and concentrated chiefly on writing books for the moneyto buy books.” Mundus Alter et Idem (c. 1605; “The World Different and the Same”), an original and entertaining Latin satire that influenced Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726), dates from this period, as does Heaven upon Earth (1606), a book of moral philosophy. Hall later became domestic chaplain to Prince Henry (James I's eldest son). He was made dean of Worcester in 1616 and accompanied King James to Scotland in 1617. He was a royal representative at the Synod of Dort (161819), an assembly of the Reformed Church of the Netherlands, and became bishop of Exeter in 1627. Suspected of Puritan leanings by William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, he counterattacked Puritans on episcopacy's behalf.

      Hall took part in the literary campaign between Anglicans and Puritans at the opening (1642) of the English Civil War. John Milton (Milton, John), poet and Puritan, wrote Animadversions against a Defence of Hall's, but amid the ensuing exchange of invective Hall pleaded for unity and tolerance among Christians. In 1641 Hall was given the bishopric of Norwich but was imprisoned for four months by an anti-episcopalian House of Commons before arriving at his new see. Deprived of his episcopal revenues in 1643, he was finally ejected from his palace and retired to Higham.

Additional Reading
Richard A. McCabe, Joseph Hall: A Study in Satire and Meditation (1982); Tom Fleming Kinloch, The Life and Works of Joseph Hall, 15741656 (1951).

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