hair-cap moss

hair-cap moss

also called  pigeon wheat  
 any of the plants of the genus Polytrichum (subclass Bryidae) with 39100 species; it often forms large mats in peat bogs, old fields, and areas with high soil acidity. About 10 species are found in North America. The most widely distributed species is P. commune, which often attains a height of 15 cm (6 inches) or more and may form large tussocks or wide beds, especially in peat bogs. The reddish brown or dark green phyllids (leaves), often 12 mm (0.4 inch) long, have sheathed bases and pointed tips.

      Male and female reproductive organs are borne on separate plants. The top of the male shoot forms a flowerlike structure each year, and elongation of the shoot results in a series offlowersover a period of several years. Each capsule (spore case), resembling a grain of wheat, has a light-brown, hoodlike covering (calyptra) with long hairs covering its surface. The capsules of P. commune are box shaped, and a prominent white membrane that covers themouthcan be seen after the lid falls. Hair-cap moss often grows from underground rhizoids (filaments). It has been used in stuffing bedding and in the manufacture of brooms, dusters, and baskets.

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Universalium. 2010.

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