Hába, Alois

Hába, Alois

▪ Czech composer
born June 21, 1893, Vizovîce, Moravia, Austria-Hungary [now in Czech Republic]
died Nov. 18, 1973, Prague, Czech.

      Czech composer noted for his experiments with microtonal music.

      Hába studied in Prague, Vienna, and Berlin, was influenced by the composer Arnold Schoenberg, and sought to free music from traditional formal and tonal constraints.

      A striking innovator and important teacher and writer, Hába enthusiastically supported new music in Czechoslovakia. In 1922 he attended the International Congress of Quarter-Tone Composers and in 1923 was appointed teacher of quarter-tone music at the Prague Conservatory. His Neue Harmonielehre des diatonischen, chromatischen, Viertel-, Drittel-, Sechstel-, und Zwölftel-Tonsystems (“New Harmonic Theory of the Diatonic, Chromatic, Fourth-, Third-, Sixth-, and Twelfth-Tone Systems”) was published in 1927.

      Quarter tones had been used as early as 1849 by the French composer Fromental Halévy, but Hába drew his inspiration from Moravian folk tunes and rhythms, music abounding in microtones. In 1919 he wrote a quarter-tone String Quartet, but his earliest mature work using microtones was the Third String Quartet (1922). His opera Matka (The Mother), first performed in 1931, was his crowning achievement; in it he uses nonthematic constructions characteristic of his work as a whole. Such music makes as little use as possible of repetition and variation of distinct melodies and themes. Another athematic opera, Thy Kingdom Come (1940), is written in a sixth-tone system.

      Hába indicated that athematicism, like microtonality, was suggested to him as a possibility for composition by the sound of Moravian and other folk music. His scope gradually widened as instruments were built to his specifications (e.g., microtonal pianos, harmoniums, trumpets, and clarinets). He also composed extensively in the traditional half-tone system, including several of his quartets (nos. 7, 8, and 9; 1951–52). His other works include chamber pieces, piano and choral pieces, and songs.

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