Guzmán Blanco, Antonio

Guzmán Blanco, Antonio

president of Venezuela
born Feb. 28, 1829, Caracas, Venez.
died July 20, 1899, Paris

      Venezuelan president and typical Latin American caudillo (military leader or dictator) of his era.

      Guzmán Blanco was the son of a famous journalist and politician, Antonio Leocadio Guzmán, who had married into the Blanco family of Caracas' upper class. He began his career by consolidating the support of provincial caudillos behind his leadership, increasing his power when he gained appointment as a special finance commissioner to negotiate loans with London bankers. In 1870 he seized control of the government as head of the Regeneración (Regeneration) movement, and in 1873 he had himself elected constitutional president. For a period of 19 years (187089) he was the absolute ruler of Venezuela.

      Guzmán Blanco brought Venezuela out of civil war and economic stagnation and put it on the road to orderly government and modern development. Public buildings, railroads, and schools were constructed, and Caracas was modernized to function as the centre of the new network of telegraph, ports, and roads. The dictator sponsored public education, restored public credit, subsidized agriculture, promoted international trade, and laid the groundwork for an era of significant technological advance. His most strenuous efforts, however, were directed against the Roman Catholic church: birth, education, and marriage were placed under civil supervision; religious communities were suppressed and their property confiscated; and religious freedom for non-Catholics was proclaimed.

      But Guzmán Blanco committed many brutalities during his dictatorship in order to eliminate opposition. Civil liberties were curbed, and the press was gagged. Little was done to improve the lot of the Venezuelan masses. Moreover, the dictator accumulated a personal fortune at public expense, profiting especially through the negotiation of loans with foreign bankers. He spent a great deal of his reign in Europe, enjoying the company of the upper classes. During one such visit a coup d'état ousted him from power (1889), and he spent the last decade of his life in Paris.

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