

king of Burgundy
French  Gontran  
born c. 532
died March 28, 592 or 593

      Merovingian king of Burgundy who strove to maintain a balance of power among his warring relations.

      Guntram received the kingdom of Orleans, including Burgundy in the quadripartite division of the lands of his father, Chlotar I, which took place on the king's death in 561, and added further territory when his brother, Charibert of Paris, died in 567 or 568. Well endowed with the political skills of prudence and duplicity, he strove to prevent either of his two remaining brothers, Chilperic I and Sigebert I, from gaining too great a power, allying now with the one, now with the other. After the death of Sigebert of Austrasia in 575 he protected the interests of the young Childebert II, Sigebert's son, against the aggressive Chilperic, and recognized Childebert as his heir. When Childebert nevertheless allied with Chilperic against him, he bought off the young king by the cession of territory (583) and confirmed him as his adopted sonaction the more necessary since he was also faced by a Byzantine-sponsored usurper, Gundoald, whom he was then able successfully to overcome. The death of Chilperic in 584 left Guntram master of the scene; he protected the young Chlotar II, Chilperic's heir, and Fredegund, Chlotar's mother, but also settled remaining differences with Childebert by the Treaty of Andelot (587). Himself attacked by the Lombards in the 570s, he turned his attention to the south in his last years but was twice unsuccessful against the Visigoths.

      Guntram had a good reputation among churchmen. In 585 he issued an edict calling for a stricter observance of Christian life, and his contemporary, bishop Gregory of Tours (Gregory of Tours, Saint), so much admired him that he even considered the King able to perform miracles.

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