Guisan, Henri

Guisan, Henri

Swiss military leader
born Oct. 21, 1874, Mézières, Switz.
died April 8, 1960, Lausanne

      Swiss military leader and national hero; he was commander in chief of the Swiss Army during World War II.

      Guisan was educated at Swiss and foreign universities and graduated with a degree in agriculture. At the age of 30 he achieved the rank of captain in the Swiss Army (1904). After being promoted to colonel (1921), he was appointed commander of the 1st Division in 1926, of the II Army Corps in 1932, and of the I Army Corps in 1933.

      On the eve of World War II (August 1939), Guisan was elected general and commander in chief of the Swiss Army. His dramatic and inspirational speech to his officers (July 25, 1940) at the Rütli plateauthe historic site of the original Swiss pact of confederation in 1291won him the allegiance of the entire nation. Anticipating possible aggression by the encircling Axis powers, he devised and implemented a plan of defense that forsook border areas in order to hold a mountain fortress corethe so-called réduit. The Axis powers decided not to attack Switzerland. Retiring from active service in 1945, Guisan was the next year made a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Military Science.

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