

French puppet
      most prominent puppet character in France, where his name became synonymous with puppet theatre. The hand puppet was created by the puppeteer Laurent Mourguet of Lyons in the early 19th century and was supposedly named for an actual canut, or Lyonnais silk worker. Guignol was performed with regional dialect and mannerisms and in the traditional garb of the peasant. Short-nosed, round-eyed, and perpetually surprised, he was easily duped but quick to extricate himself from trouble and to help his friends and drinking companions. Though sometimes approximating a Lyonnais version of the Punch-and-Judy show, Guignol usually appeared in his own plays featuring his wife, Madelon, and his companion, Gnafron.

      Guignol puppet shows, now staged mainly for children, demand a vigorous participation. Audiences actively respond and react to questions voiced by the puppets. Guignol remains a popular figure in France, where permanent Guignol theatre may be seen in the streets of Paris.

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  • guignol — [ giɲɔl ] n. m. • 1847; de Guignol, n. du canut lyonnais devenu le héros des marionnettes de Mourguet en 1795 1 ♦ Marionnette sans fils, animée par les doigts de l opérateur. ♢ (1856 « cabotin ») Fig. Personne involontairement comique ou ridicule …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Guignol — in Lyon. Guignol in Paris. Guignol ist der komische Held …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Guignol — is the main character in a French puppet show which has come to bear his name. Although often thought of as children’s entertainment, Guignol’s sharp wit and linguistic verve have always been appreciated by adults as well, as shown by the motto… …   Wikipedia

  • guignol — guignól s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  GUIGNOL /ghi niól/ s. n. 1. Marionetă. 2. Teatru de marionete. 3. (fig.) Paiaţă, om ridicol. Din fr. Guignol Trimis de blaurb, 22.03.2006. Sursa: MDN  GUIGNOL GHI NIÓL/ s …   Dicționar Român

  • Guignol —   [gi ɲɔl; französisch »Hanswurst«] der, s/ s, lustige Person des französischen Marionetten und Handpuppentheaters, besonders des Kasperltheaters in Lyon, im 18. Jahrhundert von dem Puppenspieler Laurent Mourguet (* 1769, ✝ 1844) erfunden,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • guignol — (del fr. «Guignol», personaje del teatro de marionetas francés) m. Guiñol …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Guignol — (izg. ginjȍl) m DEFINICIJA kazal. 1. komični lik u francuskom kazalištu lutaka 2. naziv za kazalište lutaka ETIMOLOGIJA fr …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Guignol — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Les Guignols. Guignol Créateur(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • GUIGNOL — n. m. Petit théâtre de marionnettes. Le Guignol des Champs élysées. Tenir un guignol dans un jardin public. En termes de Théâtre, le Guignol est une logette posée sur la coulisse ou sur la scène et où le directeur et les acteurs peuvent se tenir …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

  • guignol — n.m. Tribunal : Passer au guignol. / Gendarme (On dit aussi, plus rarement, arlequin). / Excentrique, pas sérieux, ridicule : Un vrai guignol. / I Trou du souffleur (spect.) …   Dictionnaire du Français argotique et populaire

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