Gros, Antoine-Jean, Baron

Gros, Antoine-Jean, Baron

French painter
born March 16, 1771, Paris, France
died June 26, 1835, Paris

      French Romantic painter principally remembered for his historical pictures depicting significant events in the military career of Napoleon. (Napoleon I)

      Gros received his first art training from his father, who was a painter of miniatures. In 1785 he entered the studio of his father's friend Jacques-Louis David (David, Jacques-Louis), whom he revered but whose cerebral Neoclassical style was uncongenial to Gros's romantically passionate nature. As a student he was more influenced by the energetic brushwork and colour of Peter Paul Rubens (Rubens, Peter Paul) and the Venetians than the hard linearism of his contemporary Neoclassicists.

 In 1793, with David's help, Gros went to Italy, where, in Genoa, he met Joséphine de Beauharnais and, through her, his hero, Napoleon. In 1796 he followed the French army to Arcole and was present when Napoleon planted the French flag on the bridge. This incident he immortalized in his first major work, Napoleon on the Bridge at Arcole (1796). Napoleon bestowed on him the rank of inspecteur aux revues. He accompanied Napoleon on his campaigns and also helped select works of art from Italy for the Louvre.

  Of all the artists who contributed to the Napoleonic myth, Gros had the most profound effect on the rising generation of Romantic painters. The elegance, richness, and dramatic power of such historical paintings as Napoleon Visiting the Pesthouse at Jaffa (1804) and Napoleon on the Battlefield at Eylau, February 1807 (1808) influenced Théodore Géricault (Géricault, Théodore) and Eugène Delacroix (Delacroix, Eugène).

      After the fall of Napoleon and the restoration of the Bourbons (who gave Gros the title of baron), David was forced into exile and Gros became the head of his studio. As the heir of Neoclassicism, Gros tried to work in a style closer to that of David. He continued to paint large compositionse.g., the ceiling of the Egyptian room of the Louvre (c. 1824)—but these academically Neoclassical pictures lacked the Romantic vitality of his earlier historical paintings. His best works after 1815 were portraits, some of which approached the quality of his Napoleonic picturese.g., Young Girl in a Necklace (exhibited 1913). He was, however, continually plagued by David's criticism of his work and became increasingly dissatisfied with his own accomplishments. A sense of failure exacerbated his already melancholic nature, and he committed suicide.

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