Grocyn, William

Grocyn, William

English educator
born c. 1446, Colerne, Wiltshire, Eng.
died 1519, Maidstone, Kent

      British scholar who helped prepare the ground for the rise of humanism in England. He was reputedly the first Englishman to teach the Greek language.

      After studying and teaching at Oxford (Oxford, University of), Grocyn went in 1488 to Italy, where he was permitted by Lorenzo de' Medici to study Greek with the tutors of his children. On his return in 1491, Grocyn taught Greek for five years at Oxford and then became rector of St. Lawrence Jewry in London. There he became a member of a group of great English humanists associated with the Dutch scholar Desiderius Erasmus (Erasmus, Desiderius). In 1506 he became warden of All Hallows College, Maidstone.

      His only surviving published work is a letter to Aldus Manutius printed in Thomas Linacre's translation of Proclus's Sphaera (1499).

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