Grimm, Friedrich Melchior, Freiherr von

Grimm, Friedrich Melchior, Freiherr von

German literary critic
(baron of)
born Sept. 26, 1723, Ratisbon
died Dec. 19, 1807, Gotha, Saxe-Gotha
 critic of German descent who played an important part in the spread of 18th-century French culture throughout Europe.

      After studying in Leipzig, Grimm attached himself to the powerful Schönberg family. In 1748 he went to Paris as escort to their second son and, later, worked at various times for the Prince of Saxe-Gotha, the Count of Friesen, and the Duc d'Orléans. At the same time he was admitted to progressive literary and philosophical circles in Paris, thanks to his acquaintance with Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

      He became a close friend of the encyclopaedist Denis Diderot (for whom he wrote an article on lyric poetry) and the lover of Madame d'Épinay, a writer and patron of a Parisian literary circle. His position, together with his many connections with the nobility, equipped him to launch a cultural newsletter, which he wrote and edited for the benefit of foreign sovereigns and nobility anxious to keep abreast of French cultural affairs. Beginning May 15, 1753, it was issued every two weeks and was usually sent to its subscribers through diplomatic channels.

      Published in 1812 as Correspondance littéraire, it shows sound critical taste and is an invaluable social document, containing information about every aspect of the age. Grimm's carefully nurtured social standing and prosperity were swept away in the French Revolution. Financially ruined and embittered, supported only by a pension from Catherine II the Great of Russia, he retired to Gotha, where he died.

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